Campaign Manager - Campaigns

Local Variable View and Pick List configuration

Variables are a very powerful and flexible component of campaign design. They can assign and store information to personalize emails or output content, allow labels to be assigned to certain groups of recipients and are captured in Campaign History to provide filters for post campaign analysis and reporting.

Variables are initially defined globally using Variable Manager within the Campaign Manager (Silverlight) application. As part of that initial creation, a number of properties are defined including Name and Data Type. The two most important properties of a Global Variable to understand for this purpose are:

  • Default Value - A value that will be applied if the Variable is not set for recipients within the campaign.
  • Global Pick List - Ability to add a Pick List for the Marketer to see within the campaign, and that are readily available to all campaigns.


Propagation Level - refers to the level at which the Variables is created and can have 3 values.

  • Campaign Level - The Variable will have a single value for the entire campaign, e.g. Brand
  • Campaign Recipient - The Variable value is assigned to a specific recipient, but is only used within this campaign i.e. Offer Code.
  • Recipient - The variable will hold a value for a recipient but this value will be visible in all campaigns e.g. Engagement Score.

Global Pick Lists

As mentioned above, a Global pick list can be assigned to Variables at point of creation so the marketer has a choice of values to be assigned, which is useful for such as the Campaign level "Brand" Variable, where the campaign will be assigned to a specific Brand, and the Brand name will be known so can be pre-configured but not ideal if the pick List values are more specific for a campaign and not suitable for all campaigns.

Campaign Pick Lists

Pick Lists can also be created at the campaign level within Campaign Designer, i.e. a Pick List with values only visible within the specific campaign. These Pick Lists are much more flexible and useful for the Campaign Recipient level variables, which are generally the most commonly used.

Considering the case of an Offer or Marketing Code. this would be a global variable as many campaigns would want to use this Variable and for the end to end reporting requirements, the "Marketing Code" variable will be a single column on the Campaign History table, and will be updated by multiple campaigns on execution. The Marketing Code for a single campaign could have many values, so for ease of use, this feature allows all the codes to be added to a Pick Lists that will only be visible for the campaign that hosts the list. This allows the Marketer to input and validate the list initially, as part of campaign set up, then assign the Marketing Code values within the Set Variable element from a pre-configured Pick List. It also means that the Marketer can be in control of adding, editing values in the pick List for that campaign but for a globally used variable giving maximum flexibility for use.

  • Variables can only be created in Variable Manager and are Global in nature, being available to all campaigns. Variable Manager is located in Campaign Manager - select Campaign Manager from the navigation panel on the left of the screen.
  • A Global Variables properties, such as propagation level, Data Type etc cannot be edited from the campaign and will be read only.
  • Local campaign pick lists are created in and only visible to the single campaign, but will add values to the global Variable column within Campaign History.
  • Local pick lists can only be created for Campaign Recipient level Variables. For Recipient and Campaign level Variables, Global Pick Lists should be used.
  • Multiple campaigns can have local pick lists for the same Global Variable
  • Local campaign pick list functionality is only available in Campaign Designer.
  • Local pick lists can be edited when the campaign is paused and enabled for edit.
  • Local pick lists cannot be assigned to Variables mapped to Engine columns.
  • When a global pick lists exists, these values are "imported" to the local pick lists and form the starting point for the local pick list but can be removed without affecting the global pick list itself.
  • Global Default values can still be used.
  • Campaigns must be saved before Local pick lists can be added


creating a local pick list within a campaign

  1. Either open an existing campaign in Campaign View, or create a new campaign by clicking the New Campaign button in Campaign View.
  2. Save the campaign to ensure a Local pick list can be added.
  3. Click on the Variables option on the Ribbon Bar. Slide in displays all Global Variables existing in the system.
  4. Locate the Variable for the local pick lists to be added to, either by review or using the search option.
  5. Click the edit icon for the required Variable to view the properties of the Variable in a pop-up screen. Revert to "Notes" section above for details of what edit options will be available and what will be visible in the initial view.
  6. Use the "Add a new local (only) choice", link to add new Local Pick List values for the variable. validation will flag unsupported values.
  7. Click Done to save the pick list or Cancel to close the form without saving changes.
  8. Local pick list values will now be available within the campaign.
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